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hezhisheng026 运营技巧 2023-02-19 21:25:01 152 0


凤鸣山公园位于重庆市沙坪坝经济开发区,占地面积16000平方米。公园南部是旧住宅小区,北面是华誉城项目,西边是上桥路,东侧是枫溪路(即公园主入口及最高点所在地)。 凤鸣山公园于2013年春天向公众开放,游客可以依次观赏到标志性的山形雕塑、广场、绿化景观、水景等,最后到口口网网达万科金色城市发展销售中心。

Fengming Mountain Park is set on a 16,000m2 site, located in the growing Shapingba District of Chongqing. The site extends south to the old housing quarter, north to the Huayu City Project, west to Shangqiao Road and east to Fengxi Road, which is the main ent口口网网rance and highest point of the site. Opened in Spring 2013, visitors are taken on a dynamic journey via a series of iconic mountain-shaped follies, plazas, greenery and water features to the proposed Vanke Golden City Development sales centre.


The brief was to design a demonstration park and urban public realm to express a unique identity in order to market the future development. The park is required to draw attention to the development sales centre from the upper main road and entrance from Fengxi Road; and be adaptable for retrofit and integration for the adjacent future development.


Extreme topography creates both a functional challenge to facilitate pedestrian and vehicle movement from the upper carpark to the sales centre at the lowest point; and a unique opportunity to provide a dynamic landscape – the ‘mountain‘.


The vision was to create a strong connection between the setting of the site and the surrounding backdrop of the mountainous peaks, valleys of the Sichuan Basin; the agrarian patterning of rice paddy terraces; the Chang Jiang river; and the mysterious white/grey misty sky of Chongqing. These elements provide the inspiration for the mountain pavilions, zigzag patterns, orchestrated terrain and the use of vivid colours (to contrast against the sky).


On arrival from Fengxi Road, dancing red and orange sculptures line the entrance to draw people into the arrival plaza carpark. The first of the mountain pavilions stands at the entrance, to mark the start of series of visual mountain peaks, descending down the slope. Each pavilion is strategically positioned along the zigzag path, leading pedestrians down the ‘mountain’, towards the sales centre area. The pavilions provide shade during the day and at night, are lit to create a spectacular glowing lantern effect.



The zigzag path ensures the extreme level change is accessible for all, the path also becomes a geological pattern language, as if one is a walking on trails winding up a steep mountain. At each turn, a platform provides a place to sit and enjoy the view or take respite from the hill. The zigzag path is lined with balustrade walls constructed from large pieces of deeply textured dark concrete to create a rocky silhouette looking up the hill. The valleys or crevices that are created by the walls become sources for streams which run through the project.

The presence of water is an important part of Fengming Mountain Park and is expressed as a ‘flow’ of water from the arrival plaza to the sales centre, using a variety of different water effects, such as: channels, pools and jets to assist with cooling, provide sounds and atmosphere to what is a captivating landscape.


This entire park is a sequence, a triumphant journey, from the patterned markings in the arrival plaza; down the zig zag path; into meandering water features; through the口口网网 plazas and then on to the final destination at the Sales Centre.

Fengming Mountain Park has become a vibrant, joyful and well loved part of the Chongqing cityscape.



